Mallow Tea, Leaf And Flower, 50 Gr, Herb Ltd
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Mallow tea, leaf and flower


In hoarseness, angina, tracheobronchitis, cough, inflammation of the stomach, intestines, liver, urinary tract, in the absence of appetite, to stimulate the secretion of milk in nursing mothers.
 Externally for gargling with hoarseness, inflammation of the oral mucosa, skin diseases (boils, boils), burns, hemorrhoids.

In addition to glue and galacturonic acid, this plant is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin E. We also find carotene, caffeine, chlorogen, coumaic acid, potassium, tannins, flavonoids.
The combined action of these substances makes mallow an excellent natural remedy.

 Let's understand all its advantages:

- Respiratory disorders:

refreshing, expectorant and anti-inflammatory, recommended in case of cough, cold, sputum, asthma and sore throat.

- Digestive disorders:

 useful as a laxative, fights constipation. Relieves symptoms of gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. Just drink herbal mallow-based tea before meals.


Mallow is one of the many anti-inflammatory herbs you need to know. The effective action against the main inflammations is also applicable to gingivitis, stomatitis, abscesses, vaginitis and urinary tract infections.


 soothes various diseases and discomforts associated with skin problems, such as eczema, hives, atopic dermatitis, hair, dry skin, sunburn. In this case it is used in the form of compresses, after boiling the leaves and stem.

How to use mallow, leaf:

2 tbsp. herb is brewed for 10 minutes with 600ml of boiling water. Drink 150 ml 3 times a day. For gargling - the same infusion.

Contraindications to mallow, leaf

Be careful not to overdose. Prolonged use of herbs and herbal preparations should be discussed with your doctor.

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